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Physical Therapy

Many Neuropathy patients lose function. Arms, legs, and core get weak, numb, tingle, or are in severe chronic pain. Everyday activities such as walking, standing, sitting, or sleeping become a nightmare. At the National Neuropathy Center, we aim to not only fix the issues of pain and loss of function but also the loss of living the life you deserve. Our patients get strong and regain their balance and ability to get around. NNC Physical Therapy helps restore the ability to hold a coffee mug, play with children, or be the friend or spouse you deserve to be.
State-of-the-art physical therapy and the very best doctors of physical therapy work with our patients to restore life. Walk normally again, sleep through the night, and hold hands with your spouse. Smile, laugh, and feel great again. That’s the goal of the National Neuropathy Physical Therapy Department.
Following RST Cell Signaling treatment for the symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy our patients can choose to undergo Physical Therapy if they wish to regain their function that may not have been restored by RST Cell Signaling treatment.
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